We talk about it

Media Pulication

the last articles published

Your eyes: the new rejuvenating concept using injections
Looking straight in the eyes
Younger looking in 30 minutes
The aesthetic approach to smile according to the surgeon


All articles published in Anti-Age Magazine

Your eyes: the new rejuvenating concept using injections
Younger looking in 30 minutes
The aesthetic approach to smile according to the surgeon
Four minimally-invasive methods to make your face and neck look thiner
Natural Injections of Hyaluronic Acid: Your nose makes you beautiful
Rejuvenation: botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid
Nose, cheekbone, lips: surgery for a sexy face

The official cosmetic surgery

All articles published in The official cosmetic surgery

A new shape for my mouth
Rhinoplasty : ”Officiel de la chirurgie esthétique” magazine
I want a natural nose

Marie claire

All articles published in Marie claire

Plastic surgery: Looking younger, while remaining yourself

Presses, books, conference …

All articles in Presses, books, conferences …

Looking straight in the eyes
The global approach to facial treatments: how to efficiently address the signs of aging
Injections are booming
The male face lift, a well developed and widely used treatment
The Aces of Aesthetic Surgery
Heart of face aesthetic Roman magazine
Article by dr hervé raspaldo in beauty woman magazine
The organic trend in nose plastic surgery
Prime Magazine – Guest Editorial – Hervé Raspaldo

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of Dr Raspaldo


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