Plastic surgery

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

EYELID SURGERY – Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a surgical modification of the eyelid. It involves removing the fatty deposits and loose skin that form under-eye bags and sagging upper eyelids that come with age and can also help reduce wrinkles around the eye area.

Blepharoplasty can help diminish the appearance of dark under-eye circles, but cannot address the problem of pigmentation. Blepharoplasty is not recommended for removing fine lines.

This procedure can be combined with a lateral temporal lift to correct drooping eyebrows.

The surgeon makes an incision in the natural crease of the eyelid to remove excess skin and fatty deposits and tighten enlarged or slack orbicular muscle. While this will result in a small scar (which usually fades after a couple of months but may remain permanent), it is well-concealed in the laughter lines in the corner of the eye.

The ideal result is one that restores a brighter, more rested appearance without altering the natural expression of the face. This requires expertise and thorough understanding of the aesthetics of the eyelid.


During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon carefully listens to the patient’s concerns and goals. He then assesses skin quality, eyelid elasticity and eyesight and, considering the face as a whole, will help the patient decide on the most appropriate treatment for their aesthetic needs. The patient will be informed in detail about the procedure itself and about post-operative care. They will also be provided with a price quotation.

In addition to a routine blood test and a compulsory pre-operative appointment with an anaesthetist, the surgeon recommends consulting an ophthalmologist to determine if there are any ocular conditions that could complicate surgery.

Blepharoplasty is generally performed as an out-patient procedure under twilight sedation. The operation takes between 45 minutes and 1 hour to complete.

There should be no pain at all after the surgery.

Recovery may include slight visual discomfort for 2 or 3 days after the operation, sensitivity to light and mild visual disturbance.

Bruising and swelling is common and usually subsides after the first 10 days.

Stitches will be removed by the surgeon at the first follow-up appointment, around six days after surgery.

Normal activity can usually be resumed within 1-3 weeks (within 6-10 days for upper lid surgery and 10-30 days for lower lid surgery).

Skin should be protected with sun block until swelling has disappeared (1-2 weeks).

Although final results may not be apparent for a year after the operation, benefits can be seen after the first month.

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