Non-surgical procedures

Exfoliation(chemical peels)

Exfoliation – Peeling


As time passes, age and environmental factors can have a negative impact on skin, causing imperfections such as dull, uneven skin tone to appear.Au fil des années et sous l’effet des agressions extérieures, la peau est moins homogène laissant apparaître des irrégularités, un teint terne.

Chemical peels using acid-based products are applied to the skin, causing the upper layers of the skin to peel, thus accelerating cellular renewal. The depth of the peel depends on the degree of repair desired.

The doctor will make the choice as to what type of exfoliation is best suited to the patient, taking into account skin type and the strength of the substance used.


The light peeling uses mild fruit acids to give your skin a fresher appearance and a radiant glow.
Glycolic acid
3 to 6 treatments with intervals of around 15 days in between.
The skin tends to have a pink coloration after the procedure, for about an hour. Sun protection is required for 2 months.

The medium peel is performed with Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in various concentrations (10% to 35%).
The skin will peel for 5 to 10 days and will then reveal its new, rejuvenated aspect. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia in a single session (or general anesthesia in case of 30% TCA).
The patient will experience intense burning sensation for about ten minutes. After the procedure, a healing cream is applied to the treated area. The skin will have a pink coloration for a month. A one week break from your regular social activities is recommended, due to the dark scabs on the skin. Sun protection is required for at least 3 months.

The deep peeling uses phenol.
Very aggressive to the skin, it must be performed by an authorized dermatologist, according to a strict protocol; it results in an immediate and radical rejuvenation.
This peeling is performed in one session.
Scaling of the skin will be present for 8 to 15 days, making the social life difficult to maintain.

The effects of this peeling are rather heavy (heavier than a facelift and all facial surgery) and regularly consulting the medical practitioner will be essential. Dr. Raspaldo does not perform this type of deep peeling.

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